Analytics & Optimization


Analytics & Optimization

Sophisticated measurement, analytics, and data analysis, combined with testing and optimization, will help you make your marketing more profitable.

Data Driven Marketing & Testing

Understanding where visitors are coming from, how your marketing programs are performing, how users are engaging with your content, and if they’re converting (becoming leads or sales), is critical to your business.


The world of digital analytics continues to evolve. For companies wanting to be competitive, analytics is no longer about just reporting on traffic or revenue. It's about understanding consumer behavior, anticipating trends and seasonal changes, and making better and more profitable decisions related to advertising and marketing.

Our team of analytics experts will work with you through the entire process of building your analytics capabilities, including:


So that image that your design team loves, but your CEO hates? Is it working? How about that call to action, or the copy on your landing page? What offer or sale drives the most conversions? 

A/B and multivariate testing can answer all of those questions with statistical certainty. Our team of testing experts will create a testing program for you that will increase your website's effectiveness by increasing conversion rates and improving the customer experience.

A woman is pointing to the side with her finger.

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